Boats and Waterfalls
Norway 2006
I once said to a friend that I was working for the summer in Norway and they said “I remember Norway, we did a tour there one year. It was all boats and waterfalls.”
Having made the journey from the ferry ports in the South to the Lofoten Islands in the North twice now I can understand that recollection.
Armed this time with a new digital SLR and having given ourselves longer to make the journey than last time, I’m still surprised how few pictures I managed to take on that journey.
I am coming to the conclusion that travelling long distances with a deadline does not lend it’s self to best practice in landscape photography.
Another thing I really missed was good mapping of the areas we were travelling through.
I have no doubt at all that we missed some spectacular scenes along the way and on many occasions we glimpsed wonders as we passed, unable to stop in the flow of traffic.
We forget in Britain how fortunate we are to have the excellent maps that are produced by the Ordnance Survey.
One of the side effects of this lack of maps, other than a road atlas for our journey, is that I now find it almost impossible to identify where these pictures were taken, other than the fact that if you follow the E6 North through Norway, you will most likely see all these spots yourself.
The E6 runs through Norway like a spine and I have to say I was impressed with the facilities available along it’s route.
In many places there were stopping places with basic toilets and while overnight stops were not directly encouraged, there were plenty of people making such use of these places in a completely responsible way.
Sad to say that in England such a journey would have been impossible without expensive accommodation or campsites booked along the way.